About Ivan Lewis

My mission as a money blogger is to help consumers understand the world of finance. Since 1998, I’ve been heavily involved in finance. Prior to becoming a finance blogger, I was Chief Executive of two voluntary organisations before having to resign for unfounded claims of sexual harassment.

My goal is to spread the message that we, as individuals, can help to build a better banking system through our buying power. We aim to provide people with the information and confidence they need to make informed decisions regarding the types of financial institutions they want to support. We also hope to strengthen the ethical banking sector, and broaden and enhance the debate on financial reform.

We are an independent not-for-profit organisation working to raise awareness about the broad range of financial institutions available to customers in the UK. We are funded by the Barrow Cadbury Trust and the Joseph Rowentree Charitable Trust, charitable foundations promoting excluded communities. We are staffed by employees and volunteers from a range of professional backgrounds including financial services, media, events, and campaigning.